Ok, it's been a while. I am happy to say that I am still alive, and currently waiting for my overdue baby to arrive.
When it came down to a choice between:
- working
- gestating
- writing / blogging / spending time on the internet researching quilting
- quilting & sewing
- quilting & sewing
I had to eliminate one. The blogging went. And now working seems to have eliminated itself, so maybe I can actually update!
Back in about Jan 2009, I had a baby shower for a friend. We each painted a 6" block (the top right and bottom left are fillers). I promised to put it together into a quilt before the baby's first birthday - in other words, I barely got it done in time!
Another quick project over the Christmas break:
I made this one because I wanted to see if I could quilt the circles. It is just a quick jelly roll quilt. It was my first time playing with batiques - they are really nice to work with!
We ended up giving this one to a co-worker of Kevin's that has a 1-year-old. She gave us tons and tons of stuff (car seat, bath, etc.) so it seemed like the least I could do.
There have been other quilts, which I will add later.