Sunday, 19 December 2010

An Update

Yes, I am still alive.  Yes, I did have the baby, who is now 6 months old and the smartest, strongest, most beautiful baby alive, etc. etc. etc.

Having an infant turned out to be more challenging than I thought it would be, but we survived.  Now she's much more independent and capable of incredible feats such as sleeping in her own room for 10 hours in a row.  This means I can get back to quilting, rather than spending every spare minute creating more diapers or cloths for her!

To catch up on some quilts that I made before she was born:

This is a little one that I made for my boss' son, who was born 4 weeks after Verity.  I got a serger just before she was born, so all of the seams are out and then flattened.  It was fun, and really, really quick!

I also managed to finish my shattered dishes quilt:

It isn't laying very flat here, but it generally does.  It's up on our wall now - I'm glad I got it done before I had Ver, because I suspect I would never have gotten back to it.

I finished the baby quilts for Verity's two new cousins, but the pictures are still back in Canada.  I just need to finish the binding on Verity's, then I'll post a picture.
Finally, over the last couple of weekends I have worked on a sleeping bag for Verity.  It's pretty big at the moment (I made the 1-year pattern, as I have noticed she keeps growing!).  I quilted a tree onto the back, but the thread blended a bit too much so I traced the lines with a gold pen.  On the front, I just made some quick quilting with stars in circles, doodles and swirls.

She is already sleeping in it!
- Kirsten

Monday, 7 June 2010

Still Alive!

Ok, it's been a while.  I am happy to say that I am still alive, and currently waiting for my overdue baby to arrive.

When it came down to a choice between:
- working
- gestating
- writing / blogging / spending time on the internet researching quilting
- quilting & sewing

I had to eliminate one.  The blogging went.  And now working seems to have eliminated itself, so maybe I can actually update!

Most of the sewing I have done has been much more boring than previously - various contraptions to keep babies warm and their poo in appropriate places.  I have done some quilting, though:
Back in about Jan 2009, I had a baby shower for a friend.  We each painted a 6" block (the top right and bottom left are fillers).  I promised to put it together into a quilt before the baby's first birthday - in other words, I barely got it done in time!  

Another quick project over the Christmas break:

I made this one because I wanted to see if I could quilt the circles.  It is just a quick jelly roll quilt.  It was my first time playing with batiques - they are really nice to work with!

We ended up giving this one to a co-worker of Kevin's that has a 1-year-old.  She gave us tons and tons of stuff (car seat, bath, etc.) so it seemed like the least I could do.

There have been other quilts, which I will add later.