The number of babies (new and upcoming) in our family keeps increasing, which means I might have to spread the baby blankets out a bit - rather than 2 4x4 blankets, I will have to make another 4 blocks and make 3 3x4 blankets (but it is important that all cousins have the same sort of blanket, right?)
I have been working on it. It is a lot of fun to be able to try random, crazy stuff without worrying about the overall impression. Plus, I can repeat patterns I really like!
I now have:
I just wanted to see if I could do something really easy to fill the space. I really don't like it - I didn't even bother finishing it when I ran out of bobbin string! At least I tried...
Another one by Leah Day. Ok, but I don't like my "beads".
Stomach lining by Leah Day. Sorry that the chalk is so bright - I could barely see it on the quilt itself!
Some fun... I'm considering using this one on my Shattered Dishes quilt. I've done it before, and I really enjoy doing it.
Peacock feathers by Ferret. I really should learn how to do feathers... but I'm still intimidated. Apparently this is how she started.
An old pattern that I have used before (like 5 years ago, when I first tried free motion quilting!). Now that I know some other patterns, I don't like this one as much!
I am now half-way there. Like I said, I can start repeating patterns, which is nice - at least for the patterns that I enjoyed! I still want to master paisley, as well, so there may be some more variations on that one coming.