I have been too shattered from the travel to do anything like quilting (or exercising, or reading, or doing anything other than working and sleeping) so I have no real progress to report on that front.
I have come to a decision from this last trip: I am going to make it a goal in my life to never go to Houston again. I don't make such decisions lightly, but I think this one is required.
My reasons:
- missing the quilt show. I know that this is technically my fault, but I have decided to blame Houston instead.
- I tried to go running at 4:30 in the morning (I was still on British time). It was 80ºF / 24ºC that early. The dew point was 79.5ºF. ick.
- One of the lunches served at the company that I was visiting was Southern Fried Steak (ie. breaded & deep-fried steak-like product). The vegetable sides were pasta and rice.
- The course I was teaching didn't go as well as I had hoped.
- My flight out was delayed due to a problem with the plane. This meant that I missed my connection, and they lost my luggage. I got to the hotel in Cleveland around midnight, and I had to go to my meeting the next day in my clothes from the day before, without my notes. I blame Houston.
- My co-worker got stuck in Hurricane Gustav last year.
- Some of the biggest news while I was there was about Barbie's cankles. I know this was a US-wide problem, but really now...
I always thought that I would like Houston. After all, I grew up in Calgary, and at least one kid in my class every year would get transferred there (or at least their parents would be). Most of those kids (that I have tracked down on Facebook) stayed, so there must be some advantages!
I'm sorry to anyone from Houston, or anyone who likes Houston.